+ Life | Life's Irritants
I was late for work today even though I was on time leaving home. Just one of those days irritating days, I guess.
While waiting for a cab for more than 10 minutes and finally had to call for one, it set me thinking. Why is when you really need it, it is not there?
Then it started me thinking more of the same situations that I have been having, this recurring phenomenon. I came up with a list of whys:
There should be more. I will add on to the list until I get some kind of enlightenment on each one of them and rid them off my irritants list.

Then it started me thinking more of the same situations that I have been having, this recurring phenomenon. I came up with a list of whys:
- Suddenly no cabs around when you need one.
- Cabs become scarce when it is your turn in the taxi queue.
- Stuck in a traffic jam when you need to be in a conference call in a few minutes time.
- The PC hangs-up when it is urgent to print something for the meeting.
- Cannot control but cough violently when in a crowded bus or train.
- Always an important family event invitation pops-up clashing with a bodybuilding event marked on the calendar months before.
- Felt very sick the night before but seemed to feel well when at the doctor’s.
- Pop a zit when I need to look my best for a function.
There should be more. I will add on to the list until I get some kind of enlightenment on each one of them and rid them off my irritants list.
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