+ Bali | Paradise Destroyed

I spontaneously stood-up in anger, looking for my wife to tell her of the terrorist act. She was praying, so I had to pace to and fro at the dining area trying to cool down while waiting her.
She was shocked too when told and frowned in disbelief asking why would anyone want to do such a terrible thing again to a peaceful and wonderful place. My question exactly, why?
We should know, because we had our second honeymoon in Bali. We stayed at Kuta and shopped at around Kuta Beach area too. That was the place where wanted to conceived our son, but delightfully found out that our son was already with us, in her, a few days before we left the island.

If they commit any sin however small, they may not get the wrath of punishment from their god, but their descendents may pay for their wrong-doings.
They are very respectful of their passed ancestors. They believe their late ancestors are still with them in spirit. That is why every home has a pagoda-like structure in the compounds of their home, where their ancestors live together with them, still as a family.
They bury their dead ones in a temporary grave about five years and exhume the remains for a proper cremation before they can bring home their ancestor's spirit to live with them to complete the family again.

Handmade jewellery of silver, wood-carvings, bags, batik printed-shirts and blouses, the young ones are everywhere peddling their merchandise on the street.
Everyone is an entrepreneur to catch the tourist buck, never resort to crime to earn a living. That is something wonderful and I remember that that is heaven.
I do not understand why the terrorists are targeting Bali and killing the Balinese in the process if they are so hateful of foreigner - westerners to be exact.
No amount of vindictive retaliation to whatever wrong doings that are happening elsewhere could justify this horrible act. Being a Muslim, this is definitely not the peaceful teachings of Islam, period!
These are innocent people - peaceful natives and tourists alike. They are not soldiers ready to die for a cause.
These are cowardly acts, masking a revenge for the fight for freedom of defenseless people in their own homeland elsewhere. These are terrorists on a killing spree, nothing more, nothing commendable about it, just disgusting to me.
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